
When There’s Too Much Money on the Wrong Side of the Market
“Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” - Unknown...
Musings From House Arrest
Firstly, I trust you are all keeping your spirits up, although of course in Scotland, spirits of the liquid kind...
Coming Off the COVID Leash…
In the early 1980s, the Baby Boomer age cohort came into a particularly challenging jobs market. Unemployment was at 10%...
How to Eat an Elephant
"If a business does well, the stock eventually follows." - Warren Buffett The best way to eat an elephant is...
Expert: A Man 50 Miles from Home with a Briefcase
“A few solid pros are more powerful than dozens of cons.” - Steve Jobs Prepare to see and hear the...
Why Fear Hoards Cash
“Do more of what works, and less of what doesn't.” - Steve Clark This four-year, vitriol-driven political marathon in America...
The Waiting is the Hardest Part…
Every long-term wealth management plan requires patience. And that’s one of the toughest parts – waiting for things to unfold,...
Investor Temper Tantrums
“You are not the victim of the world, but rather the master of your own destiny. It is your choices...
Record Highs Meet Confidence Lows
The latest earnings data from Refintiv shows analysts are starting their normal "hook" process. In other words, as we get...
The Joy of Market “Mini-Panics”
The trading range in the Dow Jones this week (at the time of writing) has been roughly 800 points (high...
How Corrective Waves Create Future Returns
As we trek through the window of "empty data flow" and await improvements in GDP and earnings beginning in mid-October,...