Not All Is Dark
The purpose of watching (and listening) is to function in the awareness that thousands of very, very smart people supported by leading-edge technology are working 24/7 to solve this problem.
And my concern is how the nature of panic disconnects our ability to see what we otherwise would in normal circumstances.
Fear is a very powerful weapon. And our reactions in states of panic feed problems and make them appear far worse than they are.
As for the media, well, it’s doing what works for the media – opening the door to fear as wide as possible to funnel viewers and make adrenaline the addiction of choice.
They’ll shepherd any professor to any microphone available who’ll suggest tragedy by the millions.
It’s beyond irresponsible.
First do no harm.
My hope is that we can muster the strength to recognize that we will fix the problem together.
And these articles are like breadcrumbs to guide us through the woods.
We will create a drug. We will deliver a therapy. We will get beyond this.
And when we do the recovery days will be as fast and out of the blue as the days in which we collapsed.
Being terrified of the next shoe to drop is usually the hallmark to missing the recovery.
The Dollar
Notice the US Dollar is at highs and surpassing levels seen before the virus arrived.
The world of capital is not telling you that the US is done. The world of capital is instead rushing into the Dollar and away from other currencies.
Think about that.
The world of capital is acting very differently than the black boxes are in valuing the future of the US.
Panic Still Underway
All of this, of course, has not yet stopped the level of panic, much of which is entirely self-fulfilling.
And we strongly suspect 5-7% ranges of up and down numbers every day are a) unprecedented and b) will likely keep driving the VIX futures to higher levels.
Maybe even more records.
Now - the crowd has indeed shown we are now more fearful of the future than we have ever been before in all of history as it relates to fear of the future.
Every single one of those periods in the past did not become the Armageddon we feared at the time.
They also did not end immediately.
We all get to choose.