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By Mike Williams | 30th June 2020
One Room, So Many Elephants…
So, what’s the biggest elephant to join this crowded room of crises? My vote goes to: “Bad news sells better...
By Mike Williams | 29th June 2020
Confusing New Bases with Market Tops
Here we are looking in on the end of the first month of the summer haze. The charts below will...
By Mike Williams | 24th June 2020
What About What ISN’T Happening?
I find myself somewhat mesmerized by the media’s efforts to constantly keep us on edge. The headlines about the virus,...
By Mike Williams | 22nd June 2020
Hell is Thawing
Even as the underlying economic data continues to improve from the previous "hell just froze over” levels, the fear in...
By Mike Williams | 17th June 2020
Learning to Think Beyond Today
Let’s think about the global shutdown, and the shortest bear market on record (33 days) that it created. No one...
By Mike Williams | 15th June 2020
Is the End Now Nigher than Nigh?
Well, that was ugly… Last week’s markets opted to apex into a nadir, so to speak. Was it the end...
By Mike Williams | 12th June 2020
The Good News? Investor Sentiment Still Stinks!
The bears are awake again. In time, I am afraid we are going to find that we were all over-looking...
By Mike Williams | 10th June 2020
Who’s Picking up the Covid Cheque?
We’ve just lived through the shortest bear market on record. It lasted just 33 days. For most, the losses of...
By Mike Williams | 8th June 2020
Would You Have Welcomed The 2008-09 Recession If You Had Known
Let’s start with investor sentiment. There are still more bears than bulls. And 65% don't like the market, while only...
By Mike Williams | 4th June 2020
The Tough Lessons Learned in Dark Times
"Courage is being scared to death – and saddling up anyway." – John Wayne I would highly recommend no one...
By Mike Williams | 3rd June 2020
Good Companies Use Debacles to Get Better at Everything
Short-term headline addicts will see the endless commentary on the disruption happening throughout the world as negative and scary. Long-term...
By Mike Williams | 29th May 2020
Get Used to Hearing: Better than Expected
The kick-off to the summer is underway, and the high-speed frequency data suggests many cylinders of the economy are coming...